Aula de la Farmacia, in collaboration with Procare Health, launches the 2nd edition of the WOMEN’S HEALTH course, aimed at pharmacists, midwives and nurses, which this year offers important new features. The course is a complete support tool for these professionals, most of whom are the first link in the patient’s care, as well as a way to improve their quality of life.

As a complement to the contents, each module has a video training pill in which the author herself, Mª José Cachafeiro, explains the main concepts of the different topics in a simple way. In addition, different practical cases have been included to argue them.


The course will review the main health problems affecting women at different stages of their life cycle and possible ways of prevention. The course will have a total of 6 vital modules on women’s health.


  • MODULE 1: Women and preconception
  • MODULE 2: Women and pregnancy
  • MODULE 3: Woman and genitourinary infections (vaginal infections and cystitis)
  • MODULE 4: Woman and HPV
  • MODULE 5: Woman and menopause
  • MODULE 6: Woman and osteoarticular pain



To provide pharmacists, midwives and nurses with support tools on women’s pathologies.

Mª José Cachafeiro

  • Community Pharmacist
  • ASPROFA secretary
  • AIES’ Vocal
  • Creator of  “La Botica de Teté” @laboticadetete

Objetivos específicos

1. Explicar y sintetizar conceptos claves en torno a la salud de la mujer.
2. Capacitar al alumno para trabajar de manera preventiva con este grupo de
3. Promover la educación para la salud desde la consulta de enfermería,
matrona o desde la oficina de farmacia.


Women and preconception

Preconception care for women is defined as the care of women throughout their reproductive years, those years in which they could have children, seeking to ensure that they are in the best conditions at the time when they decide to seek and carry a possible pregnancy…

Short summary: Short explanatory pill


Women and pregnancy

Pregnancy is the stage from fertilisation to delivery. As the exact moment of conception is not usually known, the calculation is made by counting 40 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period…

Short summary: Short explanatory pill


Women and genitourinary infections (vaginal infections and cystitis)

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are inflammations caused by colonisation and microbial multiplication at some point in the urinary tract. They are one of the most common infectious diseases in women and are one of the most common causes of consultation in Primary Care in women of childbearing age….

Short summary: Short explanatory pill


Women and human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is actually a large family of DNA viruses, more than 200, of the Papillomaviridae family, which can affect the skin and mucous membranes. They are small (55 mm to 45 mm in diameter), non-enveloped viruses that are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, replicate in squamous epithelial cells, and whose capsid proteins are antigenically similar to those of…

Short summary: Short explanatory pill


Women and menopause

The menopause is a physiological process in a woman’s life, which corresponds to the end of her fertile period and is a natural part of the ageing process. It is common to speak of menopause with the appearance of the first signs that menstruation is coming to an end, but in reality, technically, one could not speak of menopause as a…

Short summary: Short explanatory pill


Women and osteoarticular pain

When it comes to describing pain, the most widely used definition was developed in 1986 by a group of experts from the IASP, the International Association for the Study of Pain…

Short summary: Short explanatory pill